Woman, Life, Freedom

DoIP Library
Diagnostics over Internet Protocol (DoIP) C++ library
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CDoipLib::AnnouncementTimerA timer to announce the vehicle for a specific timer with a specific delay in between
 CDoipLib::ControllerConfigDoIP controller configuration data structure
 CDoipLib::DoipControllerDoIP controller to route and handle DoIP messages
 CDoipLib::MessageDoIP generic message
 CDoipLib::AliveCheckRequestDoIP tester alive check request
 CDoipLib::AliveCheckResponseDoIP tester alive check response
 CDoipLib::DiagMessageDiagnostic message (e.g., an UDS message)
 CDoipLib::DiagMessageAckDiagnostic message positive acknowledgement
 CDoipLib::DiagMessageNackDiagnostic message negative acknowledgement
 CDoipLib::EidVehicleIdRequestVehicle ID request DoIP message with entity ID filtering
 CDoipLib::EntityStatusRequestDiagnostic entity status request
 CDoipLib::EntityStatusResponseDiagnostic entity status response
 CDoipLib::GenericNackGeneric negative acknowledgement DoIP message
 CDoipLib::PowerModeRequestDiagnostic node power mode information request
 CDoipLib::PowerModeResponseDiagnostic node power mode information response
 CDoipLib::RoutingActivationRequestTester routing activation request to an internal vehicle network
 CDoipLib::RoutingActivationResponseTester routing activation response to an internal vehicle network
 CDoipLib::VehicleIdRequestVehicle ID request DoIP message
 CDoipLib::VehicleIdResponseVehicle announcement ID response message
 CDoipLib::VinVehicleIdRequestVehicle ID request DoIP message with vehicle ID number filtering
 CDoipLib::MessageHandlerCallback wrapper to handle a DoIP message type at its reception