Woman, Life, Freedom

Adaptive AUTOSAR
ARA public interface header documentation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cara::com::helper::AbstractStateMachine< T >Abstract Finite State Machine (FMS) that transits between states
 Cara::log::Argument< T >A payload (quantity) with an unit wrapper
 Capplication::helper::ArgumentConfigurationA helper class to manage the arguments passed to the main application
 Carxml::ArxmlNodeA class that represents a XML node within a ARXML configuration
 Carxml::ArxmlNodeIteratorRead-only access iterator for a range of ARXML nodes
 Carxml::ArxmlNodeRangeRead-only range of ARXML nodes
 Carxml::ArxmlReaderA class to read ARXML configuration files
 Cara::exec::helper::AtomicOptional< T >A wrapper around a possible atomic value
 Cara::diag::CancellationHandlerA wrapper class around a conversation cancellation handler callback
 Cara::phm::CheckpointCommunicatorAn abstract class to communicate a checkpoint between an application and the PHM cluster
 Cara::com::cg::CommunicationGroupClient< T, R >Communication group client proxy
 Cara::com::cg::CommunicationGroupServer< T, R >Communication group server skeleton
 Cara::com::helper::ConcurrentQueue< T >Thread-safe wrapper around STL queue using locking mechanism
 Cara::diag::ConditionA class that represents an enable condition for processing an event by DM
 Cara::diag::ConversationA wrapper around the communication between a diagnostic client and a diagnostic server
 Cara::diag::ConversationIdentifierTypeType to identify a conversation
 Cara::diag::CounterBasedContour-based debouncing parameters
 Capplication::helper::CurlWrapperMinimalist C++ wrapper of easy (blocking interface) CURL library for RESTful communication
 Cara::diag::DataIdentifierReentrancyTypeReentrancy type of a data ID IO
 Cara::diag::debouncing::DebouncerDebouncing mechanism interface
 Cara::diag::routing::DelayTimerA thread-safe countdown timer running on a different thread
 Cara::exec::DeterministicClientClass that utilizes a client to have deterministic behaviour
 Capplication::doip::DoipClientA class to send DoIP requests to a DoIP server
 Capplication::doip::DoipServerClass to handle DoIP requests
 Cara::diag::DTCInformationA class to process Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) information
 Cara::phm::supervisors::ElementarySupervisionAn abstract class the enables a supervision method to report its elementary supervion status
 Cara::com::entry::EntryCommunication message abstract entry
 Cara::com::entry::EntryDeserializerA helper class for deserialzing an entry payload
 Cara::core::ErrorCodeA wrapper around the raw error code in a specific ErrorDomain
 Cara::core::ErrorDomainA class that defines the domain of an ErrorCode to avoid code interferences
 Cara::diag::EventDiagnostic event class that represents a fault path of a system
 Cara::diag::EventStatusByteByte that specifies an event status
 Cara::exec::ExecutionClientClass that enables an adaptive application to interact with Execution Management
 Cara::exec::ExecutionErrorEventUndefined Function Group State event argument
 Cara::exec::ExecutionServerA class to handle the execution client requests at the EM side
 Cara::exec::FunctionGroupA function group representative based on a manifest
 Cara::exec::FunctionGroupStateClass that links a function group to a certain state
 Cara::phm::supervisors::GlobalSupervisionA class to report the global supervision status based on several elementary supervisions
 Cara::core::InstanceSpecifierAUTOSAR shortname-path wrapper
 Cara::com::helper::Ipv4AddressIPv4 address wrapper helper
 Cara::log::LoggerLogger of a specific context
 Cara::log::LoggingFrameworkLogging framework which links loggers to a log sink
 Cara::log::sink::LogSinkApplication logging sink
 Cara::log::LogStreamA stream pipeline to combine log entities
 Cara::com::helper::MachineState< T >Machine state abstract class
 Cara::com::helper::MachineState< helper::PubSubState >
 Cara::com::helper::MachineState< helper::SdClientState >
 Cara::com::helper::MachineState< helper::SdServerState >
 Capplication::helper::MemoryCache< K, T >Memory cache helper class with expiration time
 Cara::diag::MetaInfoDiagnostic metainfo in different context
 Cara::exec::helper::ModelledProcessA class that models an instance of an Adaptive (Platform) Application executable
 Cara::diag::MonitorA class to monitor the correct functionality of a system part
 Capplication::helper::NetworkConfigurationData model for a network configuration
 Cara::com::helper::NetworkLayer< T >Network communication abstraction layer
 Cara::com::helper::NetworkLayer< SomeIpSdMessage >
 Cara::sm::Notifier< T >State changing notifier wrapper
 Cara::diag::OperationCycleA class for handling a monitoring operation cycle
 Cara::diag::OperationOutputPositive response of a handled UDS request
 Cara::com::option::OptionCommunication message entry abstract option
 Cara::core::Optional< T >A wrapper around a possible value
 Cara::com::option::OptionDeserializerA helper class for deserialzing an option payload
 Cara::com::e2e::ProfileE2E protection profile abstract class
 Cara::phm::RecoveryActionAn abstract class to wrap the action for recovering a supervised entity
 Cara::core::Result< T, E >A wrapper around the callee's return value and its possible error
 Cara::core::Result< void, E >A wrapper around the callee's possible error
 Cara::diag::routing::RoutableUdsServiceAn UDS service to handle a diagnostic request by offering itself to a router
 Cara::com::someip::rpc::RpcClientSOME/IP RPC abstract client
 Cara::com::someip::rpc::RpcServerSOME/IP RPC server
 Cara::diag::SecurityLevelA data model that contains the status of a security level
 Cara::com::someip::SomeIpMessageSOME/IP Abstract Message
 Cara::com::someip::pubsub::SomeIpPubSubClientSOME/IP publish/subscribe client
 Cara::com::someip::pubsub::SomeIpPubSubServerSOME/IP publish/subscribe server
 Cara::com::someip::sd::SomeIpSdAgent< T >SOME/IP service discovery agent (i.e., a server or a client)
 Cara::com::someip::sd::SomeIpSdAgent< helper::SdClientState >
 Cara::com::someip::sd::SomeIpSdAgent< helper::SdServerState >
 Cara::exec::StateClientClass the enables State Management to interact with Execution Management
 Cara::exec::StateServerA class to handle the state client requests at the EM side
 Cara::phm::SupervisedEntityA class that collects and reports supervision checkpoints
 Cara::phm::supervisors::SupervisionUpdateSupervision update on global status
 Cara::diag::TimeBasedTime-based debouncing parameters
 Cara::sm::Trigger< T >State changing trigger wrapper
 Cara::sm::TriggerIn< T >State input trigger
 Cara::sm::TriggerInOut< T >State input and output trigger
 Cara::sm::TriggerOut< T >State output trigger
 Cara::com::helper::TtlTimerTime To Live countdown timer
 Cara::diag::UdsDtcStatusByteTypeByte that specifies an UDS DTC status
 Cara::diag::routing::UdsServiceRouterA class to route an UDS request to the proper service for handling
 Cara::exec::WorkerRunnable< ValueType >DeterministicClient worker runnable abstract class
 Cara::exec::WorkerThreadDeterministicClient random number generator