▼Napplication | AUTOSAR application namespace |
▼Ndoip | Namespace that contains helpers which utilize applications for DoIP communication |
CDiagMessageHandler | A class to handle UDS messages via DoIP |
CDoipClient | A class to send DoIP requests to a DoIP server |
CDoipServer | Class to handle DoIP requests |
CObdToDoipConverter | A OBD service class to handle OBD queries asynchronously |
CVehicleIdRequestHandler | A class to handle vehicle ID requests via DoIP |
▼Nhelper | Namespace that contains the helper classes for the application |
CArgumentConfiguration | A helper class to manage the arguments passed to the main application |
CCurlWrapper | Minimalist C++ wrapper of easy (blocking interface) CURL library for RESTful communication |
CFifoCheckpointCommunicator | Supervision checkpoint communicator over the FIFO medium |
CLogRecoveryAction | A class to provide logging as the recovery action for a failed supervised entity |
CMemoryCache | Memory cache helper class with expiration time |
CNetworkConfiguration | Data model for a network configuration |
CReadDataByIdentifier | UDS to read data at the diagnostic server by passing the data ID (DID) |
CRpcConfiguration | Data model for a remote procedure call connection configuration |
▼Nplatform | AUTOSAR platform application namespace |
CDiagnosticManager | Diagnostic Manager (DM) functional cluster |
CExecutionManagement | Execution managment modelled process |
CPlatformHealthManagement | Platform health managment modelled process |
CStateManagement | State managment modelled process |
CExtendedVehicle | Volvo extended vehicle adaptive application |
▼Nara | |
▼Ncom | |
►Ncg | |
►Ne2e | End to End communication protection protocol namespace |
►Nentry | Communication message entry |
►Nhelper | Helper functions required for communication classes |
►Noption | Communication message entry option |
►Nsomeip | |
▼Ncore | ARA basic core types namespace |
CErrorCode | A wrapper around the raw error code in a specific ErrorDomain |
CErrorDomain | A class that defines the domain of an ErrorCode to avoid code interferences |
CInstanceSpecifier | AUTOSAR shortname-path wrapper |
COptional | A wrapper around a possible value |
CResult | A wrapper around the callee's return value and its possible error |
CResult< void, E > | A wrapper around the callee's possible error |
▼Ndiag | ARA diagnostic management |
►Ndebouncing | Namespace of debouncing mechanism components |
►Nrouting | UDS services routing namespace |
CCancellationHandler | A wrapper class around a conversation cancellation handler callback |
CCondition | A class that represents an enable condition for processing an event by DM |
CConversation | A wrapper around the communication between a diagnostic client and a diagnostic server |
CConversationIdentifierType | Type to identify a conversation |
CCounterBased | Contour-based debouncing parameters |
CDataIdentifierReentrancyType | Reentrancy type of a data ID IO |
CDiagErrorDomain | Diagnostic Management error domain |
CDownloadService | A class to request diagnostic data transfer from a client to the server |
CDTCInformation | A class to process Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) information |
CEcuResetRequest | ECU reset request handling service |
CEvent | Diagnostic event class that represents a fault path of a system |
CEventStatusByte | Byte that specifies an event status |
CGenericRoutine | A service to execute a specific sequence of instructions (routine) and obtain the result |
CGenericUDSService | An abstract class to handle generic UDS messages |
CMetaInfo | Diagnostic metainfo in different context |
CMonitor | A class to monitor the correct functionality of a system part |
COperationCycle | A class for handling a monitoring operation cycle |
COperationOutput | Positive response of a handled UDS request |
CSecurityAccess | A class to evaluate the security access to the data among diagnostic services |
CSecurityLevel | A data model that contains the status of a security level |
CTimeBased | Time-based debouncing parameters |
CUdsDtcStatusByteType | Byte that specifies an UDS DTC status |
CUploadService | A class to request diagnostic data transfer from the server to a client |
▼Nexec | Adaptive AUTOSAR Execution Management |
►Nhelper | Unofficial namespace for Execution Management helper classes |
CDeterministicClient | Class that utilizes a client to have deterministic behaviour |
CExecErrorDomain | Execution Management ErrorDomain |
CExecException | Execution Management exception |
CExecutionClient | Class that enables an adaptive application to interact with Execution Management |
CExecutionErrorEvent | Undefined Function Group State event argument |
CExecutionServer | A class to handle the execution client requests at the EM side |
CFunctionGroup | A function group representative based on a manifest |
CFunctionGroupState | Class that links a function group to a certain state |
CStateClient | Class the enables State Management to interact with Execution Management |
CStateServer | A class to handle the state client requests at the EM side |
CWorkerRunnable | DeterministicClient worker runnable abstract class |
CWorkerThread | DeterministicClient random number generator |
▼Nlog | Adaptive AUTOSAR Logging |
►Nsink | |
CArgument | A payload (quantity) with an unit wrapper |
CLogger | Logger of a specific context |
CLoggingFramework | Logging framework which links loggers to a log sink |
CLogStream | A stream pipeline to combine log entities |
▼Nphm | Platform Health Monitoring functional cluster namespace |
►Nsupervisors | Namepsace that contains different supervision configurations and algorithms |
CCheckpointCommunicator | An abstract class to communicate a checkpoint between an application and the PHM cluster |
CRecoveryAction | An abstract class to wrap the action for recovering a supervised entity |
CSupervisedEntity | A class that collects and reports supervision checkpoints |
▼Nsm | Adaptive AUTOSAR State Management |
CNotifier | State changing notifier wrapper |
CTrigger | State changing trigger wrapper |
CTriggerIn | State input trigger |
CTriggerInOut | State input and output trigger |
CTriggerOut | State output trigger |
▼Narxml | AUTOSAR XML (ARXML) configuration files utilities namespace |
CArxmlNode | A class that represents a XML node within a ARXML configuration |
CArxmlNodeIterator | Read-only access iterator for a range of ARXML nodes |
CArxmlNodeRange | Read-only range of ARXML nodes |
CArxmlReader | A class to read ARXML configuration files |