Woman, Life, Freedom

Adaptive AUTOSAR
ARA public interface header documentation
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NapplicationAUTOSAR application namespace
 NdoipNamespace that contains helpers which utilize applications for DoIP communication
 CDiagMessageHandlerA class to handle UDS messages via DoIP
 CDoipClientA class to send DoIP requests to a DoIP server
 CDoipServerClass to handle DoIP requests
 CObdToDoipConverterA OBD service class to handle OBD queries asynchronously
 CVehicleIdRequestHandlerA class to handle vehicle ID requests via DoIP
 NhelperNamespace that contains the helper classes for the application
 CArgumentConfigurationA helper class to manage the arguments passed to the main application
 CCurlWrapperMinimalist C++ wrapper of easy (blocking interface) CURL library for RESTful communication
 CFifoCheckpointCommunicatorSupervision checkpoint communicator over the FIFO medium
 CLogRecoveryActionA class to provide logging as the recovery action for a failed supervised entity
 CMemoryCacheMemory cache helper class with expiration time
 CNetworkConfigurationData model for a network configuration
 CReadDataByIdentifierUDS to read data at the diagnostic server by passing the data ID (DID)
 CRpcConfigurationData model for a remote procedure call connection configuration
 NplatformAUTOSAR platform application namespace
 CDiagnosticManagerDiagnostic Manager (DM) functional cluster
 CExecutionManagementExecution managment modelled process
 CPlatformHealthManagementPlatform health managment modelled process
 CStateManagementState managment modelled process
 CExtendedVehicleVolvo extended vehicle adaptive application
 Ne2eEnd to End communication protection protocol namespace
 NentryCommunication message entry
 NhelperHelper functions required for communication classes
 NoptionCommunication message entry option
 NcoreARA basic core types namespace
 CErrorCodeA wrapper around the raw error code in a specific ErrorDomain
 CErrorDomainA class that defines the domain of an ErrorCode to avoid code interferences
 CInstanceSpecifierAUTOSAR shortname-path wrapper
 COptionalA wrapper around a possible value
 CResultA wrapper around the callee's return value and its possible error
 CResult< void, E >A wrapper around the callee's possible error
 NdiagARA diagnostic management
 NdebouncingNamespace of debouncing mechanism components
 NroutingUDS services routing namespace
 CCancellationHandlerA wrapper class around a conversation cancellation handler callback
 CConditionA class that represents an enable condition for processing an event by DM
 CConversationA wrapper around the communication between a diagnostic client and a diagnostic server
 CConversationIdentifierTypeType to identify a conversation
 CCounterBasedContour-based debouncing parameters
 CDataIdentifierReentrancyTypeReentrancy type of a data ID IO
 CDiagErrorDomainDiagnostic Management error domain
 CDownloadServiceA class to request diagnostic data transfer from a client to the server
 CDTCInformationA class to process Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) information
 CEcuResetRequestECU reset request handling service
 CEventDiagnostic event class that represents a fault path of a system
 CEventStatusByteByte that specifies an event status
 CGenericRoutineA service to execute a specific sequence of instructions (routine) and obtain the result
 CGenericUDSServiceAn abstract class to handle generic UDS messages
 CMetaInfoDiagnostic metainfo in different context
 CMonitorA class to monitor the correct functionality of a system part
 COperationCycleA class for handling a monitoring operation cycle
 COperationOutputPositive response of a handled UDS request
 CSecurityAccessA class to evaluate the security access to the data among diagnostic services
 CSecurityLevelA data model that contains the status of a security level
 CTimeBasedTime-based debouncing parameters
 CUdsDtcStatusByteTypeByte that specifies an UDS DTC status
 CUploadServiceA class to request diagnostic data transfer from the server to a client
 NexecAdaptive AUTOSAR Execution Management
 NhelperUnofficial namespace for Execution Management helper classes
 CDeterministicClientClass that utilizes a client to have deterministic behaviour
 CExecErrorDomainExecution Management ErrorDomain
 CExecExceptionExecution Management exception
 CExecutionClientClass that enables an adaptive application to interact with Execution Management
 CExecutionErrorEventUndefined Function Group State event argument
 CExecutionServerA class to handle the execution client requests at the EM side
 CFunctionGroupA function group representative based on a manifest
 CFunctionGroupStateClass that links a function group to a certain state
 CStateClientClass the enables State Management to interact with Execution Management
 CStateServerA class to handle the state client requests at the EM side
 CWorkerRunnableDeterministicClient worker runnable abstract class
 CWorkerThreadDeterministicClient random number generator
 NlogAdaptive AUTOSAR Logging
 CArgumentA payload (quantity) with an unit wrapper
 CLoggerLogger of a specific context
 CLoggingFrameworkLogging framework which links loggers to a log sink
 CLogStreamA stream pipeline to combine log entities
 NphmPlatform Health Monitoring functional cluster namespace
 NsupervisorsNamepsace that contains different supervision configurations and algorithms
 CCheckpointCommunicatorAn abstract class to communicate a checkpoint between an application and the PHM cluster
 CRecoveryActionAn abstract class to wrap the action for recovering a supervised entity
 CSupervisedEntityA class that collects and reports supervision checkpoints
 NsmAdaptive AUTOSAR State Management
 CNotifierState changing notifier wrapper
 CTriggerState changing trigger wrapper
 CTriggerInState input trigger
 CTriggerInOutState input and output trigger
 CTriggerOutState output trigger
 NarxmlAUTOSAR XML (ARXML) configuration files utilities namespace
 CArxmlNodeA class that represents a XML node within a ARXML configuration
 CArxmlNodeIteratorRead-only access iterator for a range of ARXML nodes
 CArxmlNodeRangeRead-only range of ARXML nodes
 CArxmlReaderA class to read ARXML configuration files